この動画は、アイルランドのアマチュア天文家のJohn Mckeonさんが撮ったもので、木星のガスに小惑星が飛び込み発光する様子が捉えられています。
・ Time-lapse leading to Jupiter Impact, March 17th 2016. Version 2/John Mckeon
This version of the time-lapse indicates the impact in a processed image before showing the raw footage.
This is the time-lapse of processed images leading to the impact on Jupiter March 17. The original purpose of the imaging session was to get this time-lapse, with a happy coincidence of the impact in the second last capture of the night.
Each of the images in the time lapse are clear because they have been processed from 55 seconds of video. the impact itself however only lasts less than two seconds, so I have shown this part without processing.
The time lapse was made using an 11" SCT with an ASI120mm camera and Ir-pass 742nm filter.
The time-lapse is 3.5 hours showing the transits of Io and Ganymede with the emergence of Europa all before the impact happening at
・ 「Time-lapse leading to Jupiter Impact, March 17th 2016. Version 2」からキャプチャー。衛星名は筆者加筆。
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