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着陸は帰宅前だったので、NASA TVのライブが見られず残念でした。

アトランティスの着陸 NASA TV から画像引用
・ アトランティスの着陸 NASA TV から画像引用


引用文Atlantis Completes Final Space Shuttle Program Landing at 5:57 a.m. EDT Thu, 21 Jul 2011 07:18:04 PM GMT+0900
At 5:57 a.m. EDT, space shuttle Atlantis landed for the final time at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center after 200 orbits around Earth and a journey of 5,284,862 miles on STS-135.
It was the 25th night landing, the 78th landing at Kennedy and the133rd landing in shuttle history.
Atlantis’ main gear touched down at 5:57:00 a.m. followed by the nose gear at 5:57:20 and wheels stop at 5:57:54 a.m. At wheels stop, the mission elapsed time was 12 days, 18 hours, 28 minutes and 50 seconds.
Since STS-1 launched on April 12, 1981, 355 individuals from 16 countries flew 852 times aboard the shuttle. The five shuttles traveled more than 542 million miles and hosted more than 2,000 experiments in the fields of Earth, astronomy, biological and materials sciences. The shuttles docked with two space stations, the Russian Mir and the International Space Station. Shuttles deployed 180 payloads, including satellites, returned 52 from space and retrieved, repaired and redeployed seven spacecraft.
STS-135 was the 33rd and final flight for Atlantis, which spent 307 days in space, orbited Earth 4,848 times and traveled 125,935,769 miles.


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